Dmitry Arkhipov
Ruby on Rails full-stack developer

Contacts: email_logo gh_logo tg_logo


  • Ruby
    • OOP, classes: OOP principles understanding, code style importance, incapsulation princeples, inheritance, polymorphism, abstractions
    • Ruby installation: rvm or rbenv usage
    • Formats usage: XML, JSON, XLS, XLSX, DOC
  • Ruby on Rails
    • Application initial architecture: set the task correctly, create entities, write scripts and create CRUD
    • MVC: application architecture basement
    • Active Record: associations between models creation, perform database operations in an object-oriented fashion, migrations creating, validations writing
    • Action Mailer: emails sending with Mailjet. Letter Opener usage in development environment
    • User authentication with Devise and his authorization with Pundit or Cancancan. OmniAuth for login with social networks credentials
    • Credentials: passwords, keys and the other confidential info keeping
    • Rake tasks with cron
    • State Machines for models attributes
    • Ransack for simple and advanced search forms
    • Carrierwave, Rmagick, Fog::Aws for images load, processing and keeping in a project
    • Recaptcha – antispam technology with Google reCAPTCHA
  • Testing
    • RSpec: TDD, BDD, create tests for the whole main code if possible. Unit testing, Integration testing. Used FactoryBot gem. Capybara for integration tests.
  • DB
    • SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis usage. Queries with SQL and Active Record query interface.
  • Deploy
    • VPS: Nginx and Phusion Passenger with PostgreSQL setup. Rails application deploy with Capistrano
    • Heroku: application deploy
  • Technologies
    • Git, Github
    • Ubuntu (Linux Mint)
    • RubyMine, SublimeText
    • Docker (run/stop containers, Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml editing)
    • AWS S3 (beginner level)
    • Telegram bots creation
  • Frontend
    • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, Slim, JS, jQuery, ExtJS
    • English: Intermediate

Work experience

Russian Research Institute of Health (Ministry of Health)
Software engineer
  • - Web applications development (frontend, backend)
  • - Add new features, change existing code, bugs fix
  • 07.2021 – Present
LLC «Mazda Motor Rus»
Quality assurance coordinator
  • - Ruby scripts
  • - Ruby and Ruby on Rails simple applications creation for internal needs (xls, docx: parsing, changing, reports creation)
  • - DB Oracle queries
  • 05.2015 – 07.2021
Warranty specialist
  • - 1C:Accounting reports creation
  • - MS Access DB creation, Excel macroses
  • 03.2008 – 05.2015
LLC JV «Business Car»
Warranty Engineer
  • - MS Access and Excel for reporting
  • 11.2006 – 03.2008
06.2002 – 11.2006

РОО СВМ «Идущие вместе»
  • - IT helpdesk
  • - MS Access DB creation, Excel macroses
  • 02.2001 – 11.2001

Some pet projects

Photo site

Website for photos with blog

GitHub Open


Web application Bbq for organization of meetings with friends in different places


Good questions

Similar to ASKfm where users could ask and answer questions



Hangman game for Rails


Weather forecast Telegram bot

It shows weather forecast for present and next 7 days in chosen place (could be entered manually or choose from the list). Only in Russian language at the moment

GitHub Open

Landing example

Photo course landing with possibility to make order



Far Eastern Federal University
Course: «SQL interactive course»
09.2022 – 11.2022

Good programmer
Course: «Online Ruby on Rails workshop»
09.2020 – 03.2021

Higher education

Moscow State Technical University (MAMI)
Mechanic engineering faculty


Open mind person who is always ready for negotiating and to hear for advises from more experiensed colleagues. Goal-oriented, dutiful, accurate.
Hobby: macrophotography