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I'm Dmitry, amateur photographer from Russia.
Here brief info about me:
Our family always have photocameras: grandfather had FED-2 range-finder camera, father Zorky-4k range-finder camera and Zenith SLR camera. So from the childhood I like the magic of dark room processes: put a film into cassette, film development, photos printing... I did all the preparations and processes by myself and always was in a hurry to see the magic of photos creating. When I was twelve, photo school opened in our town. Of course I was the first who entered it. I studied theoretical basis and mastered skills there.
I entered university in 1997 but continue to master my skills in taking photos. And in 2004 I bought my first digital camera. It was Canon PowerShot A80. Since then I opened digital images world for me. So now I take photos using film cameras only for my family. For all other purposes I use DSLR cameras, drone and phone. I prefer to take macrophotos and landscapes. My nick on the internet is Dack9.

I work as full-stack developer. Create complicated web-applications and simple sites. Also create Telegram bots. My CV could be seen here. This site is being constantly 'under construction'. I add\change anything constantly even if it could not be seen.