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Main achievements

Prizewinner of the photo contest "Amazing Moscow Region" hosted by National Geographic Russia. The participant of the street photo exhibition in Moscow:

Some photos were published in one of the main Russia newspaper:

Photos in the popular science magazine "Schrödinger's Cat":

Photo of the month on a reputable macrophotography resource:

Prize-winner and finalist of the pan-European Science Photo Competition:

Participant of the Wiki Science exhibition at the Darwin Museum in Moscow:

Призер и финалист российской части общеевропейского конкурса научной фотографии "European Science Photo Competition 2015":

Prizewinner of the photo contest “How wonderful this world is - show it”, organized by Mir24 television company:

Participation in the photo exhibition "Shoot Science!", organized by the TV channel Science:

Photos are published on the main pages of National Geographic Russia, Nikon Russia community:

Photos were used in the corporate magazine of Mazda:

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